LevynLight is a game from HitGrab Labs, the same software house of MythMonger. It is pretty fun to play and seems to promise more fun as the game will go on. It is pretty new and still in open beta.
As it has the same play every 15 minutes requirements, I went and started writing a bookmarklet for it.
Unfortunately, LevynLight developers have created it in a way that my bookmarklets don't work. If someone has advice on how to do it, please tell me, I would really like to write one.
To get rid of this problem, I wrote an iMacro that autoplays the game.
I have also found that there is a way to embed iMacros in a link for the FireFox browser only.
So if you are using FireFox bookmark this link and click on the new bookmark whenever you want to run the bot:
LevynLight autoplay
If instead you are running Chrome, or want to insert the iMacro in your library, this is the code of the iMacro:
URL GOTO=http://apps.facebook.com/levynlight/index.php
TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=ID:app377144924760_playbutton
WAIT SECONDS=905When you have your iMacro in your iMacro library, set it to loop as many times as you want and click on Play Loop!
Hello, thanks for your work, but I find problems trying to use it. I followed the instructions but it's not working, it says:
ReplyDeleteRuntimeError: element A specified by ID:app377144924760canvas_playbutton was not found, line: 7 (Error code: -921)
What should I do?