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Saturday, April 17, 2010

ghost trappers auto hunt cheat using imacro

IMPORTANT: Seems like this iMacro is not working anymore, see below for details

Hey everybody.

It seems that around there is no cheat for the Ghost Trappers game on Facebook.
At least, I could not find one. So here it is a cheat that enables auto hunting for the game.
Beware that this will not allow you to avoid the captcha that the game shows every now and then and when it does you'll need to restart the cheat. So check the game at least every hour.

Now to the cheat. You have to use either Chrome or Firefox browsers and install the iMacros extension.
If you use Google Chrome download it here: iMacros for Chrome
If you use Firefox download it here: iMacros for Firefox

Now go to the Ghost Trappers game, activate the iMacros extension and record a new dummy macro by clicking the Record button and then clicking anywhere on the page.
Then stop the recording. This iMacro won't work. You need to change the code to have it working. Go to the macro list and click Edit Macro. Keep the first line (that should start with the VERSION command) and delete all the other lines. then insert these lines after the VERSION one:

TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=HREF:http://*hunt.php*

Here is what the final result will look like for the Chrome browser (Firefox has different version number):

TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=HREF:http://*hunt.php*
That is for a 15 minutes cooldown time. Those who are lucky to have a lower timer can change the SECONDS amount to what they need.
Now go to the game page, wait for the "Let's go Hunt" button to appear, click play loop for how many times you want and enjoy this autohunter!

WARNING! Please note that cheating and auto hunting is against game policy and that the game publishers could take action against you if you use it. I decline every responsibility if you use it.

Seems like the Ghost Trappers guys changed the game in October 2010, so this iMacro doesn't work anymore. Look here for an updated version!


  1. RuntimeError: element A specified by HREF:http://*hunt.php* was not found, line: 3

  2. I see. It seems that ghost trappers guys have make some changes and I will have to develop a fix for this.
    I will try making it this weekend.
    Thanks for reporting the issue!

  3. Anything up yet?? can't wait!..heh heh..

  4. here it is an early version for those who can't wait :)

    Let me know if this works for you! I have tested it only with Firefox

  5. use the x-y clicking thingy, instead of tag pos

  6. Do you have a new script? The current script has stopped working.
