As many people have told me in the past couple of days, the Ghost Trappers guy changed their game in a way that broke the autohunt bots, both the iMacro and the bookmarklet version.
As there are people urging me to release a fixed version (thanks! It's good to know that people actually use the tools you make!), I am releasing an early fixed version, with very limited testing, so that you will have something to use with Ghost Trappers. More will come as I manage to put more time on it.
The fastest fix I was able to do is for iMacros for Firefox. I used iMacro version 7.0.0 that seems to work quite well with the iframe the Ghost Trappers guys introduced in the game. You can find the iMacro extension here.
To use the fixed iMacro autohunt,activate the iMacros extension and record a new dummy macro by clicking the Record button and then clicking anywhere on the page.
Then stop the recording. This iMacro won't work. You need to change the code to have it working. Go to the macro list and click Edit Macro. Keep the first line (that should start with the VERSION command) and delete all the other lines. then insert these lines after the VERSION one:
This macro will autohunt every 900 seconds (that is 15 minutes). If you have a different cooldown time, just insert the appropriate number of seconds in place of 900.URL GOTO=http://apps.facebook.com/ghost-trappers/FRAME F=1TAG POS=1 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:http://www.ghost-trappers.com/fb/res/lets_hunt_on.jpgWAIT SECONDS=900
I don't know if this macro will work on Google Chrome too, but I fear not, because the Chrome extension is a much lower version than the Firefox one. However I'll do more tests soon and hopefully I will be able to release a more compatible bookmarklet version too.
Have fun, and please report if it works for you or not, thanks!
PERFECT! for firefox...
ReplyDeleteHere is a fixed version for Chrome:
Let me know if this works!
This is for Firefox - RuntimeError: unable to load http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/xd_receiver_v0.4.php?r=229910#%7B%22id%22%3A0%2C%22sc%22%3A%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ghost-trappers.com%2Ffb%2Fjs%2Ffacebook_xd_receiver.htm%22%2C%22sf%22%3A%22iframe_canvas%22%2C%22sr%22%3A2%2C%22h%22%3A%22iframeOuterServer%22%2C%22sid%22%3A%220.960%22%2C%22t%22%3A0%7D%5B0%2C%22iframeInnerClient%22%2C%22setCanvasHeight%22%2C%222069px%22%2Cfalse%5D, line 2
ReplyDeletework fine until today
ReplyDeletesuddenly cant pass through line 4
RuntimeError: element IMG specified by SRC:http://www.ghost-trappers.com/fb/res/lets_hunt_on.jpg was not found, line: 4
even i try to record myself, it's still fail
A quick test confirmed that it is broken for me too.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Ghost Trappers guys are changing the image url somehow.
Anyway, you can use the version I made for Chrome. It will work perfectly with Firefox too.
You can find it here: