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Friday, July 9, 2010

FishWrangler auto fish bot

I have just developed a new technique for my autohunt cheats that does not require to open a new window/tab. And I have just applied this to a new (for me) game: FishWrangler!
Fish Wrangler is a typical passive game like MouseHunt or GhostTrappers where you have to hunt (or fish in this case) every 10 minutes to get your fish and progress with the game.
This autofish javascript bot that I created doesn't require a new window as it opens the game in the same webpage it is launched on.
So please just test this new technique and let me know if it works for you.
Here is the Fish Wrangler auto fish bot:
FishWrangler autofish

Bookmark it and launch it (as usual, you may have to launch it twice)

Have fun!


  1. How in the world do I bookmark it? It isn't letting me do anything but redirect me to fishwrangler then it does absolutely nothing cause I can't launch it from there since I don't have it bookmarked.

  2. With Google Chrome you have to drag the Fish Wrangler auto fish link on the bookmark bar and it will create the bookmark for you. With Firefox you should be able to right click on the link and then select add bookmark.
    Anyway, there is an updated and much simpler trick for FishWrangler here:
