Now as a good fan of automation scripts and a Linux operating system user, I have searched around for an existing program to cheat with Farmville to automatically click all the fields and plant or harvest all that huge number of fields without buying fuel from the game.
There are many bots and programs around that can automate these actions, but nothing for Linux.
So I decided to write my own and after a day of hacking around, I now have a working prototype of the bot. It is very work in progress but it is actually useful. You might want to try it and send some feedback or correction or improvement, that would be really appreciated.
I plan to release updates to this tool soon as I already have ideas on how to improve the program but not enough free time to do it right now.
Now to the technical part. This program is a Python script and to use it you have to install the python-xlib and python-gtk modules. If you are using a Debian/Ubuntu distribution, this command will do it for you:
sudo apt-get install python-xlib python-gtk2
You can download the script from this link:
To use it, login to Facebook and point your browser to the Farmville game page. Be sure there are no open dialogs in the game window (like offers, gift from friends, etc..) and select the tool you want to automate (plow or plant, for example). Keep this browser window open and open a new terminal window, change to the directory where you downloaded the bot and execute this command:
sleep 5; python FarmVille-autoclicker.pyImmediately after you run the command, switch to the Farmville browser window and wait. After the five second timeout, the mouse cursor will turn into a cross and will allow you to select a rectangle from the Farmville game window. Click on the Farmville game, keep the button pressed, drag the cursor to define the area you want clicked and release the mouse button when you're done. The autoclicker will click all the selected area for you.
This script is still in its early stages, so you might have to try more than one time to have it working.
Be sure to subscribe to this blog if you want to automatically receive updates when new versions are released. To do so, use the Follow link at the top right part of the blog page.
Feedback, bug fixes, suggestions, whatever are really appreciated.
Mandatory warning: autoclicking is against Farm Ville terms of service and using this cheat might have you banned from the game (although I think it should be pretty difficult to discover). Use at your risk.
This tool might also work with other operating systems such as Windows and Mac Os X as I used standard python modules, but I don't have them at hand and could not test it.
Have fun!!