Luckily, there is a very simple but effective trick, that allows you to leave your pc alone for longer periods of time while still fishing for you. You will have to get back to it every now and then to check for the treasure chest (the game captha protection), though. But this is acceptable, and let you enjoy the game while not wasting to much of your time. Especially if you play while working, this could definitely help a lot.
This simple trick is to install an extension that allows your browser to automatically reload the current page at given time interval, such those described in this previous post on CastleAge and Goblin Emporium :
- Chrome Refresh for Chrome (a new refresh icon will appear on the right of the address bar)
- ReloadEvery for Firefox. Restart Firefox after installation (this extension adds a menu that actives when you right-click somewhere on the page)
Obviously, if your browser already has an autoreload capability, you can use that one.
Then click on this FishWrangler Game link to go to FishWrangler facebook game. This should have activated the fish action for you and should show the countdown to the next trip. If it didn't, just do whatever the page ask you to (the treasure box question, for example) and then try clicking again on the link.
Now, just set up the auto reload for that page with an interval of one minute and you will cover all the possible time intervals of the game. If the page is reloaded and the time interval has not ended yet, nothing bad will happen. If the time interval is finished, reloading will have you fish again.
Very simple and very effective!!
As usual, I have to warn you that auto fishing, bots and strategies like this one might be considered as cheating from the game developers that could ban you if they catch you using them. You have been warned.
Have fun!