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Monday, September 6, 2010

Arielle and epic quests access for old Castle Age players

I had a surprise while using my new account to start again from level 0 with Castle Age. There are some kind of quests that are NOT available to older players. Those quests have skill points and a new general with the full armor set as final rewards. The new general is Arielle and is not a bad general at all. She can reach 18 Attack and 16 Defense (21/19  with full armor set) as stats and this is quite good for a starting player.
Looking around for information on these quests I learned that they are not available to older player but also that you can circumvent this fact by accessing the quests using direct links. This way I was able to obtain Arielle also with my higher level player profile.
Here are the direct links to use to access the Epic Quests that gives Arielle and her armor set:
Also here are a Couple of good walkthroughs about the Epic Quests: